Saturday 25 March 2017

Mothering sunday Retiring collection

Following the services on Mothering Sunday, 26th March, there will be a retiring collection, which will be sent to support the work of the Disasters Emergency Committee.
This is in response to their very recent requests for help, to assist their efforts in the famine stricken region of East Africa.

Anything you are able to give will help, and on Mother's Day, it is especially poignant to know that we might be able to make a difference to Mothers and Children who are desperately in need of our support.

Thank you in anticipation.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Fair Trade Coffee Morning

Please remember the Fair Trade Coffee Morning to be held on Saturday 11th March between 10am and 12 noon in the Parish Church Hall.

This is always a popular event and we'd love to see you!

Lent Soup Lunches

Each Friday during Lent a Soup Lunch held in Kirkcudbright Bowling Club at 12.30.

It will be very informal; a bowl of tasty soup and a friendly chat. 
After expenses, all donations will be used to support the South Sudan Famine Appeal.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this, perhaps by making a pot of soup, or helping to serve, please contact the church office.

Please come and join us!

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Proposal for an Interim Minister

The presentation on the proposal for an Interim Minister will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th March in the church.
All members of the congregation are welcome to come along.