Friday 28 July 2017

Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail 2017

The fantastic Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail will take place from next week, Friday the 4th of August to Monday the 7th of August inclusive. 

Venues will be open and events running from 11am-5pm daily, and don't forget the free 'Trail Bus' which will leave the Harbour Square every hour and half hour.

There will be artwork exhibited in Kirkcudbright Parish Church as well as the Parish Hall, and don't forget to look out for the amazing work of the 'Heart for Art' artists.

Art, crafts, open gardens, food, music and performance, there really is a treat for everyone.....enjoy!

Friday 21 July 2017

Christian Aid Week thanks

The Kirkcudbright Churches Together Christian Aid Week collection and fundraising, achieved a grand total of £5,204.09 this year.
Huge thanks must go to everyone who participated in house to house collection, to those who raised money in various other ways, and to the kind people who made donations. 
A fantastic achievement for our town!  Thank you.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Church 'Opening'

During July, August and September the Church will be open to 'show off'' to visitors for two days a week.
Opening hours are:  Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am-4pm.  Volunteers will be present to welcome visitors, to chat, and to provide them with an information leaflet about the history of the Church.

If you're hosting guests, or chatting to visitors in town, do let them know that the Church is open and that they will be warmly welcomed.

Sunday 16 July 2017

'Heart for Art' Fame!

Our very own Pat McTaggart, who is one of the 'Heart for Art' group, has recently been up to Edinburgh to see one of her own pictures being exhibited.  Congratulations Pat!

Do look out for all the work exhibited by the 'Heart for Art' group during the 'Arts and Crafts Trail' early next month.
It's truly inspirational to know that there are so many very talented folk in our midst.

If you're interested in going along to a 'Heart for Art' session, they currently take place fortnightly, in Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall, on a Tuesday between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
Anyone is welcome, no artistic skills are necessary, and all equipment, tea and cake will be provided!
The next sessions during the summer will take place on 25th July, and the 8th & 22nd of August.

Once again, well done Pat!  Here she is with a copy of her work currently being exhibited in Edinburgh.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Strathdee Strawberry Tea

The 'Friends of Strathdee' warmly invite you to a Strawberry tea, at Strathdee, (94 St Mary Street) on Friday 14th July between 2pm and 4pm.

There will be a raffle and a 'Strawberry Board'.

The 'Friends' accompany residents on outings and take them out for coffee, as sometimes it's not as easy for them to get out and about as it used to be.

They would be delighted to welcome you on Friday afternoon, do come along and say 'hello'!

Monday 10 July 2017

Kirkcudbright Country Fair - Thank you

The Kirkcudbright Parish Church 'Teas R Us' tent (at the Kirkcudbright Country Fair at the weekend) would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to making the event so successful.

Thank you to everyone who baked, made soup, prepared 'mountains' of filled rolls and to those who helped to serve visitors over the weekend, and do the washing up afterwards too.

A big thank you also to all the lovely cheery folk who came along to have coffee, lunch, tea (or all three!), and made it all so enjoyable.

Over £1,300  was raised and will be put to very good use in a variety of ways.  THANK YOU!

Tuesday 4 July 2017


This summer KPC Youth will be running 'The Big Top', a series of events for young people, taking place throughout the week beginning the 14th of August.

The Big Top will be running every morning for children aged 5-11 with games, craft, Bible stories and much more. Registration is now open for the club. 

In the afternoons there will be a drop in for the young people from S1 to S7.
All free with a few special events throughout the week.

There will be evening events too:  on Wednesday night all parents and family members are invited to come and see what a normal day at the Big Top is like and all the fun their kids have been having. 

On Friday night there will be a community quiz when all members of the community are invited to take part and find out who really does know it all!!!

For further information and a registration form, please email:

Please come and enjoy the fun!