Wednesday 27 September 2017

Next Congregational Meeting

The next Congregational Meeting will take place on Wednesday 4th October at 7.30pm in the Parish Church Hall.

Present at the meeting will be the Transition Support Group who form part of the support structure for the Interim Ministry placement.

Discussions at the meeting will inform a set of Aims and Objectives which will help give focus to the Interim Ministry period.
It is hoped that as many people as possible will be able to attend this meeting.

Saturday 23 September 2017

More World Church Team News - Wabia Network

The World Church Team has committed to raising £2,00 for Wabia Network, a small charity that helps prevent and relieve poverty in Mwanza and nearby regions of Tanzania.

The Team hopes that the founders of the Wabia Network charity will visit us to tell us more about their work.  Look out for blog posts relating to their proposed visit.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

80th World Church Team Coffee Morning!

Saturday 1st July was the 80th Coffee Morning of the Kirkcudbright Church World Mission Team!
Since the first coffee morning was held in October 2008 an amazing £20,060.69 has been raised.
The Team send a huge 'thank you' to all who have supported the coffee mornings!

Coffee mornings and other special fundraising events have enabled the Team help to support the following projects since 2008;

Link church in Tseikuru, Kenya:                                                           £5,000

Construction work on the Church in Mwingi in East Africa               £2,000

Mary's Meals which works in 14 countries providing school meals     £4,000
for children

Mission Partner Sister Pat Jamieson, implementing  a Community      £7,500
Health Programme in Jobarpar, Bangladesh

Christian Aid Community Partnership in Karonga, Malawi                 £5,000
enhancing community based maternal, neonatal and child care

Donation to Save the Children Syrian Refugee Crisis Appeal              £1,000

Church of Scotland 'Let us Build a House' project in one of the           £500
earthquake affected areas of Nepal

Medical Aid for Palestinians, working for Palestinians under              £2,000
occupation and those living as refugees

Disasters Emergency Committee for the East Africa                            £600
Food Crisis Appeal 2017


Wednesday 13 September 2017

Harvest Lunch

'Kirkcudbright Churches Together' will be hosting a 'Harvest Lunch' On Sunday 1st October.
The lunch will be held at Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall and all are welcome.

Please come along at 12.15 for 12.30pm.  For further information, please contact the church office at:

Monday 11 September 2017

Home Groups

Now that September is upon us, the regular 'home groups' are restarting for the autumn.
Groups meet weekly at the following times:

Monday morning, at 10am, studying Hebrews
Tuesday Morning, 10am, studying 'Living the Question'
Tuesday evening, at 7pm, studying 'Christian Disciplines

All groups welcome new members at any time during the year and more information is available by contacting the office on 330489 or by emailing:

If you're interested in exploring your own faith, in studying the bible in greater detail and enjoying some fellowship along the way, joining a home group could be for you.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Kirkcudbright Churches Together 'Just a moment' prayer time

The 'Kirkcudbright Churches Together' hold a 'Just a moment' prayer time each week.
'Just a moment' takes place every Thursday morning at Greyfriars Church between 11-11.15am.

If this interests you, please come along, you'll be warmly welcomed.

Coffe Morning

The next World Church Team Coffee Morning will take place at 10am on Saturday 9th September in the Church Hall.

Please come along to support this excellent cause and enjoy some friendly chat, we'd be delighted to see you!

Saturday 2 September 2017

Kirkcudbright Churches Together

The AGM of 'Kirkcudbright Churches Together' takes place on Wednesday 6th September at 2pm in Greyfriars House.

We invite anyone who is interested in the ecumenical work of the churches in town to come along.