Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bereavement Service

A bereavement service will be held at Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Sunday 5th November.

The service is open to anyone, and aims to provide a peaceful and reflective space for anyone who wishes to remember loved ones.

World Church Team Coffee Morning

Please do remember to come along to the World Church Team Coffee Morning this Saturday 10-12.

Money raised by the coffee mornings helps to provides funds, and support for, the amazing work of the World Church Team and its partners.
It's also a great opportunity for fellowship, conversation and refreshment.  A warm welcome awaits!

Saturday 21 October 2017

Autumn Storms

Seeing the trees blown down in the church grounds this week, with the road closed and the work involved in  returning things normal, perhaps serves as a reminder for us to keep those who have also been affected by the recent autumn storms in our prayers.

The very sad loss of life, damage to homes and businesses, and the interruption of essential services put our small amount of damage and inconvenience into perspective.

We pray for all people affected, both overseas and in our own country, and for the emergency services and engineers who continue to work in the stormy conditions to keep us safe and restore power supplies.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Advent Retreat

An Advent Retreat will be held at Abernethy Barcaple on the weekend of 24th-26th November.

The retreat will be largely silent, and offers an art room, labyrinth, morning and afternoon reflections and communal prayer space.

The cost will be £105.00 all inclusive.
For further information see: www.aigfois.co.uk or email:  info@aigfois.co.uk

Monday 9 October 2017

Refreshing Streams

An invitation to come away awhile, to be still, to notice what gives you life and discover new ways of being.
This time of quiet reflection offers creative ways of praying and a safe space for gentle sharing of  our experiences.

There is no charge, but donations welcomed.  Refreshments provided.
Venue:  St Andrew's and St Cuthbert's church hall, Kirkcudbright.  Saturday 21st October, 2-4.30pm.
For more information and to book:  www.aigfois.co.uk, E: info@aigfois.co.uk

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal 2017

Make Someone Happy this Christmas!

Last year Blythswood Care delivered 121, 474 shoeboxes to people in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.
This is only possible through the generosity and kindness of people like you, who fill and donate the shoeboxes.

Everyday things that we take for granted can often be luxuries for people in desperate poverty.

Please pick up a leaflet from the Church vestibule or from the Cavers and Co. office.  Boxes can be handed in at the Cavers and Co office, or at any church service before the 14th November.
There is also a supply of empty shoeboxes at the Cavers and Co office, so do pick one up from there if you need one.