Tuesday 25 December 2018

Happy Christmas!

Wishing you and your loved ones every blessing this Christmas, wherever you are.

Merry Christmas.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Christmas Tree Festival

The Kirkcudbright Parish Church Christmas Tree Festival is well worth a visit, to see the huge variety of trees displayed and decorated by individuals, groups and businesses in our community.  
There is an amazing creative talent amongst the folk in our town which at this time of year is demonstrated in the brilliant display of trees!

There are more than 50 trees to see, along with a number of pretty Nativity scenes.

The Festival is open 10-12 & 2-4 on Sat. 22nd December; & 12-4 on Sun. 23rd December.

Please do come along! You will be assured of a warm welcome, and there will be refreshments too!  
It could also be an opportunity for a few moments' peace during the hectic run up to Christmas!

You will also be welcome at any of the services in the church over the Christmas and New Year period, when the trees will be on display until the New Year.  (Please see previous blog posts for details of these services).

Wednesday 19 December 2018

24 Hour Prayer Vigil

A 24 hour Prayer Vigil will take place during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The 24 Hour Vigil will begin at 12 noon on Sunday 27th January and will end at          12 noon on Monday 28th January 2019. 

The expectation is that one, two or three people will take an hour of the vigil throughout the period. This is a great opportunity to spend a significant time in prayer for our town, our churches and our witness to Jesus.  Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church or online at:- 

The response to the 24 Hour Prayer Vigil which was held during 2018 was extremely positive, and if you are considering taking part we would certainly encourage you to do so.  Many of those who signed up for the last one described it as a very special experience.

Please join us, you will be made most welcome.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

During January there will be a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The following events will be taking place to allow is to be part of this week.

Tuesday 22nd January - 15 Minute prayer time at 11 a.m. in Parish Church

Wednesday 23rd January -  15 Minute prayer time at 11 a.m. in St Andrew’s & St Cuthbert's Church

Thursday 24th January -15 Minute prayer time at 11 a.m. in Greyfriars Church 

Sunday  27th Jan - 24 hour Prayer Vigil – further details are still to be confirmed so look out for more information on the church website and in church publications.

Please do join us, we'd be delighted to welcome you.

Monday 10 December 2018

Messy Church

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in making December Messy Church happen!
Thanks too, to all the lovely people who came along to take part, it was great to see you, you make it really special!

I hope you like this photo of a few of us with Molly, Jack and Jenny the donkeys!

Have a very happy and Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2019.

The next Messy Church will happen on Sunday 27th January, at 9.15am in the hall.

Monday 3 December 2018

Messy Church

The next Messy Church will take place on Sunday 9th December in the church hall.

The session runs from 9.15am to 10.30am.
Hot drinks and croissants are served for breakfast from 9.15, then 45 minutes of activities follow until around 10.15am.
At that point we have a short time of worship for about 15 minutes, and refreshments will still be available after that for anyone who wishes to stay longer for more coffee and fellowship.

Please do come along!  Messy Church is for children of ALL AGES! From 6 months old to 100 and beyond.....all are welcome!

  It's lots of fun and there is no charge.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Christmas Day Lunch

Christmas Day Lunch will be served in the Parish Church Hall and everyone is welcome.

If you would like to come along, please collect a form from any of the following; Parish Church, The Belfry café, Thursday Lunch Hour, SCVS on Castle Street.

Please complete and return your form to any of the above by 13th December 2018.

We look forward to seeing you on Christmas Day!


Saturday 1 December 2018

December Church services

During December the following services and events will take place at Kirkcudbright Parish Church

2nd December  - 10am - one service only

9th December - 9.30am 'Messy Church' in the hall and 11am service

16th December  - in addition to 9.30 and 11am services there will be a Kirkcudbright Churches Together Carol service at 6.30pm

22nd December - 4pm - Kirkcudbright Churches Together Carol singing in Kirkcudbright

23rd December - 10am - one service only

24th December - 11.15pm  - Watch Night Service

25th December - 11am - Christmas Day Service

30th December - 10am - one service only

For further information and details of services, please see the notice boards outside the hall and church.

Please come and join us - we will be delighted to welcome you!

Sunday 25 November 2018

Christmas Tree Festival

The Christmas Tree Festival will be taking place again in the Church this year.
It's always a very special event, with the church and Christmas trees beautifully decorated for the season of advent.

The official opening takes place on Friday November 30th from 5pm-7pm.

Thereafter the Christmas Tree Festival will be open to visitors on Saturdays from the 1st December from 10-4pm, and on Sundays from the 2nd December, until the 23rd from 12-4pm.

Admission is free, and any donations received this year will be given to Kirkcudbright Pre School Group.

Please come along and enjoy this lovely festival!

Saturday 24 November 2018

Christmas Gifts

Could you give an extra gift this Christmas?

Stewartry Food bank

''Following our monthly food collection our shelves are once again laden with foodstuff.  Thanks to your generosity, we will not require any basic food items next month.
At our next collection on 11th December, we will be making up our Christmas boxes for individuals and families referred by the various agencies.
As well as basics, these will contain extra food treats and a small gift for each person.  It will be helpful if any children's gifts are suitable for girls and boys (eg drawing book and pencils, selection box etc.)

Thank you to those who have already sent Christmas items and we will gratefully accept any other Christmas donations on the 11th December, 9-9.30am at Greyfriars House as usual or leave donations at the back of the church in the plastic box.

Thanks again and best wishes''.  The Stewartry Food Bank Team.  

Christmas Gifts for local children in need.

On Sunday 2nd December, before both services, your Christmas gifts for local children in need may be left in front of the Communion Table.

Please have your gift wrapped in Christmas paper with a label indicating as regards to age and gender.

Thank you.

Monday 19 November 2018

The lunch hour

Please come along to 'The Lunch Hour' on a Thursday in the Church Hall 12noon - 1pm.

Enjoy some fellowship and a delicious hot lunch all for £4.


Thursday 15 November 2018

Fair Trade coffee morning

The Kirkcudbright Fair Trade Team are holding a coffee morning on Saturday 17th November in the church hall.

Come and join the team for coffee, tea and cakes from 10.00 to 12.00. 
All proceeds will go towards a 'Just Trading Scotland' sponsorship scheme enabling youngsters in the Karonga area of Malawi to attend secondary school. 

Everyone welcome!

Sunday 11 November 2018

Abernethy Barcaple Walled Garden needs your help!

Abernethy Barcaple are looking for enthusiastic volunteers from the local community to help restore their garden into an eco garden to benefit the planet, and the young people's groups visiting Barcaple.

The sessions will take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month 10am-2pm.
Bring a packed lunch and refreshments will be provided.

If you have reasonable fitness and love working outdoors please phone 01557 820261 or email
conservation.barcaple@abernethy.org.uk for further details.

Monday 5 November 2018

'Just a moment' prayer time

The ''Just a moment'' prayer time continues to run every Thursday during the year.

This opportunity for peaceful prayer takes place at Greyfriars Church in Kirkcudbright on Thursday mornings 11am-11.15am.

All welcome.

Monday 10 September 2018

Festival of Light

Look out for a huge variety of forthcoming events during the Festival of Light, 5th-14th of October.  Collect a leaflet from the Church Hall or one of the other outlets around Kirkcudbright.

The programme of events will include a 60-70s 'Café Largo' evening of music (and probably lots of dancing!) in the Church Hall on Friday 12th October...keep the date free..... these evenings are great fun!

Saturday 8 September 2018

Stewartry Food Bank

Thank you for the contributions received at the last monthly collection.

Our stocks are again looking healthy in all departments.
In particular we will not require any more toiletries at the next collection on September the 11th.

Thank you very much for your continued support, on behalf of the Stewartry Foodbank Team.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Coffee Morning

The next World Church Team coffee morning will take place this Saturday (8th September) in the Parish Church Hall, 10am-12 noon.

Do come along, enjoy some coffee, delicious baking and fellowship!

If you're not able to come this Saturday, remember World Church Team coffee mornings are usually held on the first Saturday of the month throughout the year.

By coming along to the coffee mornings you're also helping the work of the amazing projects supported by the World Church Team.
Thank you!

Monday 3 September 2018

Kirkcudbright Parish Players

Kirkcudbright Parish Players have started rehearsals for this year's pantomime, 'Puss in Boots', and are looking for new chorus members.

If you enjoy singing, don't sit in the audience this year.....come and join in...… it's great fun!

Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays, 7-9pm in the Parish Church Hall.  You'll be made very welcome.
(Sorry, kids!  Over 16s only!)

Performances will take place in the Parish Church Hall on the 13th, 14th and 15th of December.
We look forward to seeing you!

Monday 16 July 2018

Mary's Meals Lunch

There will be a 'Soup and Sweet Lunch' in aid of Mary's Meals on Saturday 21st July in the Parish Church Hall from 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm.  

Please come along and enjoy a delicious lunch and some fellowship, and in that way you're helping to support the magnificent work of this amazing organisation.
We look forward to welcoming you!

Saturday 14 July 2018

Kirkcudbright Country Fair

Don't forget to enjoy a tasty cuppa or light lunch while you're visiting the Country Fair this weekend!
The 'Teas R Us' team are ready to welcome you and have a delicious variety of goodies on offer!

Just look out for one of the white marquees, with steam rising from the tea urn, we'll be delighted to see you!

Friday 22 June 2018

Sunday Service 24th June

The Sunday service this week will begin at 10am and we will be saying goodbye to Rhys, our youth worker.

Please join us, you would be very welcome….. there may even be cake after the service!

Monday 2 April 2018

Next Foodbank Collection

The next Food Bank Collection will take place on Tuesday 10th April between 9am and 9.30am at Greyfriars.

No specific items are requested at this time, but please no toilet rolls, tea bags or coffee.

Thank you for your support.

Friday 30 March 2018

An evening with 'Cafe Largo'

On Saturday 14th April, local musicians 'Café Largo' will be providing an evening of 60's music.
The event will take place in the Parish Church Hall and starts at 7.30pm.

Tickets (£12.50 including hot supper) are now available from Thomson's newsagents.

This will be a great evening of entertainment as well as a fundraising event for the church.
Please do come along, lend your support, and enjoy this Spring music event with us!

Saturday 24 March 2018

Easter Services

The following services will take place over Easter:

Maunday Thursday 29th March, Kirkcudbright Parish Church, 6pm
Informal Service of Communion

Good Friday 30th March, St Andrews and St Cuthbert's Catholic Church, 10am
Walk of Witness.  Taking in Greyfriar's Church and ending with a short service in front of the cross at Kirkcudbright Parish Church.

Good Friday 30th March, Kirkcudbright Parish Church, 6pm
Kirkcudbright Churches Together Ecumenical Service.

Sunday April 1st, Easter Sunday, Kirkcudbright Parish Church 10am.
Including Professions of Faith.
(Following the service, communion will take place at the 'Trades End' of the church).

Monday 26 February 2018

Regular Sunday evening gathering

Beginning on Sunday 11th March and continuing initially until June, there will be an  evening gathering between 7pm and 8pm each Sunday.

This will be an opportunity to meet for an interactive time of prayer and praise in an informal setting.

The venue will be the upper room in the Parish Church Hall, and all are welcome to join in what promises to be an important development in the life of the church.

Please do come along.

Friday 16 February 2018

Sunday coffee and fellowship.

Please join us at the church hall for coffee and fellowship at around 10.30am, following the 9.30 am Sunday service.

This takes place on most Sundays and all are welcome!

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Kirkcudbright Churches Together Lent information

Lent soup lunches will take place on Fridays at 12.30in the Bowling Club, beginning on 23rd February.
Donations this year will be sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee Rohinga Crisis Appeal.

Kirkcudbright Parish Church will be responsible for providing soup on 2nd and 9th March, and if you're able to help with this, please contact the church office on 330489.

5 Lent Study sessions using a York course based on the Resurrection will start week commencing 19th February.  There are options for attending on Monday mornings, Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings.  Please phone the church office for further details (330489).

Sunday 4 February 2018

Food Bank

Please help our Food Bank

Our next Food Bank collection will be on Tuesday 13th February. 
Please leave contributions in the box at the back of the Church.

We have had a very busy January, with 20 parcels being handed out to 48 people (31 adults and 17 children. Our stocks are still quite healthy, but we are running short of coffee, sugar, spreads (jams and savoury), puddings, toothpaste and shampoo.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

World Church Team Coffee Morning

The first World Church Team Coffee Morning of 2018 will be held this coming Saturday, the         3rd of February in the Parish Church Hall between 10am and 12 noon.

Please do come along, enjoy some fellowship and refreshments, and lend your support to the
amazing work of the World Church Team.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Friday 19 January 2018

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will take place in St Andrew's and St Cuthbert's Church on Sunday 28 January at 3pm. Please come along and support the ecumenical work of the churches in Kirkcudbright.

Monday 1 January 2018