Monday 26 February 2018

Regular Sunday evening gathering

Beginning on Sunday 11th March and continuing initially until June, there will be an  evening gathering between 7pm and 8pm each Sunday.

This will be an opportunity to meet for an interactive time of prayer and praise in an informal setting.

The venue will be the upper room in the Parish Church Hall, and all are welcome to join in what promises to be an important development in the life of the church.

Please do come along.

Friday 16 February 2018

Sunday coffee and fellowship.

Please join us at the church hall for coffee and fellowship at around 10.30am, following the 9.30 am Sunday service.

This takes place on most Sundays and all are welcome!

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Kirkcudbright Churches Together Lent information

Lent soup lunches will take place on Fridays at 12.30in the Bowling Club, beginning on 23rd February.
Donations this year will be sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee Rohinga Crisis Appeal.

Kirkcudbright Parish Church will be responsible for providing soup on 2nd and 9th March, and if you're able to help with this, please contact the church office on 330489.

5 Lent Study sessions using a York course based on the Resurrection will start week commencing 19th February.  There are options for attending on Monday mornings, Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings.  Please phone the church office for further details (330489).

Sunday 4 February 2018

Food Bank

Please help our Food Bank

Our next Food Bank collection will be on Tuesday 13th February. 
Please leave contributions in the box at the back of the Church.

We have had a very busy January, with 20 parcels being handed out to 48 people (31 adults and 17 children. Our stocks are still quite healthy, but we are running short of coffee, sugar, spreads (jams and savoury), puddings, toothpaste and shampoo.

Thank you, as always, for your support.