During December the following services and events will take place at Kirkcudbright Parish Church
2nd December - 10am - one service only
9th December - 9.30am 'Messy Church' in the hall and 11am service
16th December - in addition to 9.30 and 11am services there will be a Kirkcudbright Churches Together Carol service at 6.30pm
22nd December - 4pm - Kirkcudbright Churches Together Carol singing in Kirkcudbright
23rd December - 10am - one service only
24th December - 11.15pm - Watch Night Service
25th December - 11am - Christmas Day Service
30th December - 10am - one service only
For further information and details of services, please see the notice boards outside the hall and church.
Please come and join us - we will be delighted to welcome you!