Tuesday 25 December 2018

Happy Christmas!

Wishing you and your loved ones every blessing this Christmas, wherever you are.

Merry Christmas.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Christmas Tree Festival

The Kirkcudbright Parish Church Christmas Tree Festival is well worth a visit, to see the huge variety of trees displayed and decorated by individuals, groups and businesses in our community.  
There is an amazing creative talent amongst the folk in our town which at this time of year is demonstrated in the brilliant display of trees!

There are more than 50 trees to see, along with a number of pretty Nativity scenes.

The Festival is open 10-12 & 2-4 on Sat. 22nd December; & 12-4 on Sun. 23rd December.

Please do come along! You will be assured of a warm welcome, and there will be refreshments too!  
It could also be an opportunity for a few moments' peace during the hectic run up to Christmas!

You will also be welcome at any of the services in the church over the Christmas and New Year period, when the trees will be on display until the New Year.  (Please see previous blog posts for details of these services).

Wednesday 19 December 2018

24 Hour Prayer Vigil

A 24 hour Prayer Vigil will take place during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The 24 Hour Vigil will begin at 12 noon on Sunday 27th January and will end at          12 noon on Monday 28th January 2019. 

The expectation is that one, two or three people will take an hour of the vigil throughout the period. This is a great opportunity to spend a significant time in prayer for our town, our churches and our witness to Jesus.  Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church or online at:- 

The response to the 24 Hour Prayer Vigil which was held during 2018 was extremely positive, and if you are considering taking part we would certainly encourage you to do so.  Many of those who signed up for the last one described it as a very special experience.

Please join us, you will be made most welcome.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

During January there will be a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The following events will be taking place to allow is to be part of this week.

Tuesday 22nd January - 15 Minute prayer time at 11 a.m. in Parish Church

Wednesday 23rd January -  15 Minute prayer time at 11 a.m. in St Andrew’s & St Cuthbert's Church

Thursday 24th January -15 Minute prayer time at 11 a.m. in Greyfriars Church 

Sunday  27th Jan - 24 hour Prayer Vigil – further details are still to be confirmed so look out for more information on the church website and in church publications.

Please do join us, we'd be delighted to welcome you.

Monday 10 December 2018

Messy Church

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in making December Messy Church happen!
Thanks too, to all the lovely people who came along to take part, it was great to see you, you make it really special!

I hope you like this photo of a few of us with Molly, Jack and Jenny the donkeys!

Have a very happy and Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2019.

The next Messy Church will happen on Sunday 27th January, at 9.15am in the hall.

Monday 3 December 2018

Messy Church

The next Messy Church will take place on Sunday 9th December in the church hall.

The session runs from 9.15am to 10.30am.
Hot drinks and croissants are served for breakfast from 9.15, then 45 minutes of activities follow until around 10.15am.
At that point we have a short time of worship for about 15 minutes, and refreshments will still be available after that for anyone who wishes to stay longer for more coffee and fellowship.

Please do come along!  Messy Church is for children of ALL AGES! From 6 months old to 100 and beyond.....all are welcome!

  It's lots of fun and there is no charge.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Christmas Day Lunch

Christmas Day Lunch will be served in the Parish Church Hall and everyone is welcome.

If you would like to come along, please collect a form from any of the following; Parish Church, The Belfry café, Thursday Lunch Hour, SCVS on Castle Street.

Please complete and return your form to any of the above by 13th December 2018.

We look forward to seeing you on Christmas Day!


Saturday 1 December 2018

December Church services

During December the following services and events will take place at Kirkcudbright Parish Church

2nd December  - 10am - one service only

9th December - 9.30am 'Messy Church' in the hall and 11am service

16th December  - in addition to 9.30 and 11am services there will be a Kirkcudbright Churches Together Carol service at 6.30pm

22nd December - 4pm - Kirkcudbright Churches Together Carol singing in Kirkcudbright

23rd December - 10am - one service only

24th December - 11.15pm  - Watch Night Service

25th December - 11am - Christmas Day Service

30th December - 10am - one service only

For further information and details of services, please see the notice boards outside the hall and church.

Please come and join us - we will be delighted to welcome you!