Wednesday 30 November 2016

Christmas Gifts for children

At Christmas, so many of us are blessed to be able to give and receive gifts, between family, friends and colleagues.

Sadly, there are families in our communities for whom simply paying essential bills and buying food is a daily struggle, meaning that buying even a single gift for their child or children this Christmas is impossible.

Once again this year, we are appealing to anyone who feels able to help, by asking for donations of Christmas gifts for children in families such as these.  The gift doesn't have to be from a child, it could be from anyone, of any age who is able to buy a gift for a child who would otherwise not receive anything this Christmas.

If you feel able to help in this very special way; once you have chosen a gift, please wrap it, and attach a tag identifying the age and gender of the child for which the gift would be most suitable.

Gifts may be left at Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Sunday 4th December, either during
the 9.30am service, the 11am service, or during the Christmas Tree Festival opening times.  (12 - 4pm).

The gifts will be distributed in the run up to Christmas with the help of agencies who have identified families who are in particular need at this time.

Thank you so much for considering this appeal, and for helping if you possibly can.