Monday 27 February 2017

Lent - Party, Pray, Worship Together

The Pancake Party will be on Tuesday 28th February, (Shrove Tuesday), 5.30pm-7pm in the Bowling Club.
Please bring your favourite topping and enjoy the informal get together!

Pray Together.  Prayer leaflets are available in the church vestibule.
Please come along as often as you can to the planned Lent Prayer Times:
Every Wednesday 6pm-6.30pm and Saturday 10am-10.30am

Worship Together.  On Sunday 5th March worship will be at 10.15am and will be led by            Rev. Marian Dixon.
A celebration of Holy Communion will take place in the 'Trades End' of the church after the service.

Monday 20 February 2017

Fair Trade Fortnight

Fair Trade Fortnight takes place this year from Monday 27th February to Sunday 12th March

Please come along to support the Fair Trade Coffee Morning in Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Saturday 11th March 10am until 12 noon.

Thanks to the generosity of the people of Kirkcudbright, the Kirkcudbright Fair Trade Group has been able to donate sufficient money to buy 6 ploughs for women rice farmers in Karonga Malawi.
Many of the women produce Kilombero fairly traded rice which is one of the products distributed  by Just Trading Scotland based in Paisley.

Just Trading Scotland said; ''Your incredible donation of 6 ploughs, will not only help to reduce the toil of manual labour, but will also help to increase food productivity and will enable mothers and fathers to spend more time being parents to their children.  On behalf of the farmers of Malawi, thank you!''

Friday 17 February 2017

Lent 2017

Lent Study Groups 2017
Monday Lent Group: Meeting for 5 Mondays, beginning Monday 6th March.
Meet 10am at 12 Castle Street, led by the Reverend Marian Dixon.

Wednesday Lent Group: Meeting for 5 Wednesdays, beginning Wednesday 8th March.
Meet at 7pm in St Andrew and St Cuthbert's Hall, led by the Reverend David Preston.  

It would be helpful if you could confirm your attendance at either group by leaving a message for Marian Dixon at the church office. 01557 330489

Wednesday 15 February 2017

World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer service this year has been prepared by the women of the Philippines.
It will be held in St Andrew and St Cuthbert's Hall on Friday 3rd March at 3pm.

There will be tea and coffee provided afterwards.

Please come along....all are welcome.

Monday 6 February 2017

11 - 18s Coffee Bar

Our Youth worker Rhys is seeking to start up a Coffee Bar for 11 to 18s.  It will take place in the church hall on a Friday afternoon, 3.30pm to 5pm.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this great project, or if you wish further information, please contact the church office, either by phone or email. / 01557 330489

Good luck Rhys!

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Sunday Service 5th February

A joint service celebrating Holy Communion, conducted by Reverend Marian Dixon will be held on Sunday 5th February at 10am.

All are welcome.