Monday 20 February 2017

Fair Trade Fortnight

Fair Trade Fortnight takes place this year from Monday 27th February to Sunday 12th March

Please come along to support the Fair Trade Coffee Morning in Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Saturday 11th March 10am until 12 noon.

Thanks to the generosity of the people of Kirkcudbright, the Kirkcudbright Fair Trade Group has been able to donate sufficient money to buy 6 ploughs for women rice farmers in Karonga Malawi.
Many of the women produce Kilombero fairly traded rice which is one of the products distributed  by Just Trading Scotland based in Paisley.

Just Trading Scotland said; ''Your incredible donation of 6 ploughs, will not only help to reduce the toil of manual labour, but will also help to increase food productivity and will enable mothers and fathers to spend more time being parents to their children.  On behalf of the farmers of Malawi, thank you!''