Wednesday 29 November 2017

Christmas Gifts for local children in need

Are you able to donate  Christmas gift for a child?

On Sunday 3rd December, before both services, your Christmas gifts for local children in need may be left in front of the Communion table.
Please have your gift wrapped in Christmas paper with a label indicating suitability as regards age and gender.

Thank you.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Christmas Tree Festival

The 8th annual Kirkcudbright Parish Church Christmas Tree Festival begins on the first day of Advent.

The festival will have its official opening on Friday 1st December from 5pm-7pm, with entertainment provided by Music4U.

Thereafter the church will be open each weekend from Saturday 2nd December up until Christmas Eve at the following times:

Saturdays 10am-4pm
Sundays   12pm-4pm
also during the late-night shopping evening held in Kirkcudbright.

Admission will be free and all donations received during the festival will be given to Dumfries and Galloway Blood Bikes.

During the festival music will be provided by the Lyric Singers on Saturday 9th December
10.30am-11.30am and by church organist Angus Dick on Sunday 17th December from 12-1pm.

Please do come along and support this ever popular event and share in the preparation for celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Saturday 25 November 2017

Stewartry Food Bank

Last year the Food Bank provided over 30 Christmas parcels to clients in the area.  The volunteers will soon be gathering suitable items to place in this year's parcels.

Please consider helping by donating any Christmas food items and treats, all with a use by date well beyond Christmas.  Gifts suitable for all ages, including crackers will also be welcome.

Any donations can be left in the box at the back of the Parish Church or at SCVS on Castle Street.
Your generosity will enable others to enjoy the festive season as they celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Thank you.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Vocations Information Day

A Vocations Information Day will be held on Saturday 10th February 2018.

The venue is the Conforti Institute Coatbridge.
The day offers an inspirational keynote speech on the Call to Serve Today, practical information and the opportunity to ask important questions about how God might be calling you.

For further details, contact the Session Clerk via the church office.

Sunday 19 November 2017


The following was contributed to 'Contact', the parish magazine of Southwell Methodist Church by Andrew and Mary Harding and was contributed to the November newsletter by Margaret Pullitt.

Following the recent collection of donations for 'Samara's Aid' it seemed appropriate to reproduce it on the blog too.


They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you and me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back where they came from
They cannot 
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not ok to say
These are people like us
A place should only belong to those who were born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world cannot be looked at another way.

(now read from bottom to top)

Friday 17 November 2017

Ladies' Badminton

The following invitation recently appeared in the November edition of the Kirkcudbright Parish Church newsletter. 

Perhaps there's a 'blog watcher' out there who would also like to play badminton?!

'Badminton has been played for at least 50 years by ladies in the church hall on Thursday afternoons.  Originally by young mothers, and now a very small group who are not quite so young.

We don't want to see the club disbanded, so please come and join us, or tell your friends about us.
We are open to all who would like some exercise and companionship.  We play from 2-4pm on Thursday afternoon through the winter months and break for a cup of tea or coffee.

We have spare racquets so just come along and give it a try.  Beginners are more than welcome'.

Contact numbers are available from the church office:
330489 or

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Used Stamps

There is a small red box at the back of the church which is ready to receive your used stamps for World Mission.

The stamps are at present supporting the Giffen Institute of Theology (GIT) of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) which needs books.  Having recently relocated to Kakuma, a refugee camp in Kenya, GIT is looking to stock up its library for students.  This year's stamp appeal will do just that.

GIT plays a significant role in training people for ministry and also supports those who have fled from war, through providing activities encouraging reconciliation between students from different tribes.

So, as your Christmas cards and letters begin to arrive through the letter box, please do keep the stamps for the appeal, even the common ones have value.

Thank you.

Don't Stop the Music!

On Saturday 25th November there will be 5 hours of non-stop music beginning at 11am in the church.

It's just for fun and all for free!

There will be Blues, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Ukelele and Kid's Music, provided by choirs, bands, duos and solo artists too.  Kid's music time will be with Aitken Drum and Susie Sweetpea!

Come along and share in this great variety of music!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal 2017

This is a quick reminder that the DEADLINE for boxes to be handed in is 14th November to Cavers and Co. 40/42 St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright or to the Church Vestibule.

There may still be some empty boxes available at Cavers and Co., so please collect one form there.

Thank you.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Kirkcudbright Churches Together Harvest Lunch

The Kirkcudbright Churches Together Harvest Lunch was enjoyed by about 60 people.

A huge thank you must go to all those who donated at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Lunch;  £400 has been sent to Mary's Meals.

Thank you also to those who helped on the day, and who contributed salads or desserts for the meal.

The Christmas Day Lunch will take place as usual and more details will be shared in due course.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Samara's Aid

Once again a collection of all season, all age clothing and other items in good condition is being organised to be sent to the Samara's Aid appeal.
The items will then be distributed to people in need in Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon.

On the list for donations are:

all season clothes
new underwear
shoes and boots
blankets, sleeping bags, sheets and towels
wheelchairs, zimmer frames and crutches
moses baskets and baby bedding

All items must be as new, in immaculate condition.
Further information on Dignity Bags for women and Children's Smiley Bags can be found at: bags and

Please bring donations to the church hall on 12th November between 10.30am-2pm.  If you feel able to donate a few pounds towards the cost of shipping this would be much appreciated.

For further information please contact the church office.

Thank you.