Friday 17 November 2017

Ladies' Badminton

The following invitation recently appeared in the November edition of the Kirkcudbright Parish Church newsletter. 

Perhaps there's a 'blog watcher' out there who would also like to play badminton?!

'Badminton has been played for at least 50 years by ladies in the church hall on Thursday afternoons.  Originally by young mothers, and now a very small group who are not quite so young.

We don't want to see the club disbanded, so please come and join us, or tell your friends about us.
We are open to all who would like some exercise and companionship.  We play from 2-4pm on Thursday afternoon through the winter months and break for a cup of tea or coffee.

We have spare racquets so just come along and give it a try.  Beginners are more than welcome'.

Contact numbers are available from the church office:
330489 or