Thursday 31 January 2019

World Church Team Coffee Morning

The next World Church Team Coffee Morning will take place in the Parish Hall on Saturday 2nd February 10am - 12noon.

Please come along and enjoy coffee, scones, cake and fellowship, we'd be delighted to see you.  There will also be a raffle and bric-a-brac stall.

Money raised at this coffee morning will be donated to the funds already collected by our own church secretary, who is raising money to help renovate the Maternity Unit in the Nazareth Hospital, which is run by the Nazareth Trust.

As part of her fund raising work she will also be walking the 'Jesus Trail' from Nazareth to Capernum and if you would like to sponsor her, please go online to:

Thank you for supporting our world church projects by coming along to our coffee mornings, see you there!

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Messy Church

A huge thank you once again to everyone who came along to take part in Messy Church on Sunday (27th January).

It was great to meet new guests, and always lovely to see returning Messy Church visitors too!
We hope you all had a brilliant time!  I think we all learned something new about the story of Noah and the great flood.  (The blogger certainly did)!

The next Messy Church will take place in the Parish Church Hall on Sunday 24th February from 9.15am - 10.30am, all are welcome.  We'd be delighted to see you if you can come along.
Messy Church is for everyone!  You don't have to bring children, or grandchildren along, if you would like to share some breakfast, enjoy some fellowship, crafts and worship time, Messy Church is for you!

We look forward to welcoming you.

Here's a photo of some 'big' Messy Church folk joining in with the crafts (and concentrating very hard)!

Friday 4 January 2019

Christmas Tree Festival


The beautiful Christmas tree festival is over for another year and it has been a real success once again.
A huge thank you to everyone who organised, participated, encouraged and visited. We had over 600 people visiting the festival and raised over £318 for Kirkcudbright Pre-School Group. 
Over 60 people wrote prayers and put them on the prayer tree, whilst others placed a 3 dimensional star on in lieu of a written prayer. There are 5 or 6 of those written prayers in individual envelopes on a table at the back of church, please take an envelope and continue to pray for the situations mentioned, also pray for those who chose not to write down their concerns. We may not know their concerns, but our amazing God does, continuing to offer those prayers is one way we can support our community as we move forward into a new year. 
Thanks again and every blessing for 2019.