Thursday 31 January 2019

World Church Team Coffee Morning

The next World Church Team Coffee Morning will take place in the Parish Hall on Saturday 2nd February 10am - 12noon.

Please come along and enjoy coffee, scones, cake and fellowship, we'd be delighted to see you.  There will also be a raffle and bric-a-brac stall.

Money raised at this coffee morning will be donated to the funds already collected by our own church secretary, who is raising money to help renovate the Maternity Unit in the Nazareth Hospital, which is run by the Nazareth Trust.

As part of her fund raising work she will also be walking the 'Jesus Trail' from Nazareth to Capernum and if you would like to sponsor her, please go online to:

Thank you for supporting our world church projects by coming along to our coffee mornings, see you there!