Friday 22 December 2017

Christmas Blessings

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas, and peace and happiness throughout 2018.

Monday 18 December 2017

Christmas Church Services at Kirkcudbright Parish Church

You are always welcome at any Church services and especially at Christmas.

Sunday 24th December - Christmas Eve

10am Morning Service
11.30pm Carols by candlelight, preceded by community Carol singing

25th December - Christmas Day

11am Christmas morning service - bring your favourite present

Sunday 31st December

10am morning service
11.30pm New Year watchnight service

Please join us, we'd be delighted to welcome you.

Monday 11 December 2017

Christmas Day Lunch

Christmas Day Lunch will take place in the Parish Church Hall (12.15pm for 12.30pm), anyone is welcome to attend.

If you would like to join us on Christmas Day, we would be delighted to see you.  All you need to do is pick up a form from church, SCVS, The Belfry or the Thursday Lunch Hour, complete the form and return it to one of the places listed above.

If you have an hour or two to spare and could help with food prep on Christmas Eve,  or help with transport or serving on Christmas Day, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Please contact the church office on 330489 should you have any queries, or if you're able to volunteer your help.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Christmas Tree Festival 2017

Do remember to visit the lovely Christmas Tree Festival in Kirkcudbright Parish Church during Advent.
Church will be open each Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 12-4pm up to and including Christmas Eve.

If you're near Newton Stewart do call in on the Penninghame Parish Church festival which is also open at the above times.

The churches look very pretty and are well worth a visit!

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Christmas Gifts for local children in need

Are you able to donate  Christmas gift for a child?

On Sunday 3rd December, before both services, your Christmas gifts for local children in need may be left in front of the Communion table.
Please have your gift wrapped in Christmas paper with a label indicating suitability as regards age and gender.

Thank you.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Christmas Tree Festival

The 8th annual Kirkcudbright Parish Church Christmas Tree Festival begins on the first day of Advent.

The festival will have its official opening on Friday 1st December from 5pm-7pm, with entertainment provided by Music4U.

Thereafter the church will be open each weekend from Saturday 2nd December up until Christmas Eve at the following times:

Saturdays 10am-4pm
Sundays   12pm-4pm
also during the late-night shopping evening held in Kirkcudbright.

Admission will be free and all donations received during the festival will be given to Dumfries and Galloway Blood Bikes.

During the festival music will be provided by the Lyric Singers on Saturday 9th December
10.30am-11.30am and by church organist Angus Dick on Sunday 17th December from 12-1pm.

Please do come along and support this ever popular event and share in the preparation for celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Saturday 25 November 2017

Stewartry Food Bank

Last year the Food Bank provided over 30 Christmas parcels to clients in the area.  The volunteers will soon be gathering suitable items to place in this year's parcels.

Please consider helping by donating any Christmas food items and treats, all with a use by date well beyond Christmas.  Gifts suitable for all ages, including crackers will also be welcome.

Any donations can be left in the box at the back of the Parish Church or at SCVS on Castle Street.
Your generosity will enable others to enjoy the festive season as they celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Thank you.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Vocations Information Day

A Vocations Information Day will be held on Saturday 10th February 2018.

The venue is the Conforti Institute Coatbridge.
The day offers an inspirational keynote speech on the Call to Serve Today, practical information and the opportunity to ask important questions about how God might be calling you.

For further details, contact the Session Clerk via the church office.

Sunday 19 November 2017


The following was contributed to 'Contact', the parish magazine of Southwell Methodist Church by Andrew and Mary Harding and was contributed to the November newsletter by Margaret Pullitt.

Following the recent collection of donations for 'Samara's Aid' it seemed appropriate to reproduce it on the blog too.


They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you and me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back where they came from
They cannot 
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not ok to say
These are people like us
A place should only belong to those who were born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world cannot be looked at another way.

(now read from bottom to top)

Friday 17 November 2017

Ladies' Badminton

The following invitation recently appeared in the November edition of the Kirkcudbright Parish Church newsletter. 

Perhaps there's a 'blog watcher' out there who would also like to play badminton?!

'Badminton has been played for at least 50 years by ladies in the church hall on Thursday afternoons.  Originally by young mothers, and now a very small group who are not quite so young.

We don't want to see the club disbanded, so please come and join us, or tell your friends about us.
We are open to all who would like some exercise and companionship.  We play from 2-4pm on Thursday afternoon through the winter months and break for a cup of tea or coffee.

We have spare racquets so just come along and give it a try.  Beginners are more than welcome'.

Contact numbers are available from the church office:
330489 or

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Used Stamps

There is a small red box at the back of the church which is ready to receive your used stamps for World Mission.

The stamps are at present supporting the Giffen Institute of Theology (GIT) of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) which needs books.  Having recently relocated to Kakuma, a refugee camp in Kenya, GIT is looking to stock up its library for students.  This year's stamp appeal will do just that.

GIT plays a significant role in training people for ministry and also supports those who have fled from war, through providing activities encouraging reconciliation between students from different tribes.

So, as your Christmas cards and letters begin to arrive through the letter box, please do keep the stamps for the appeal, even the common ones have value.

Thank you.

Don't Stop the Music!

On Saturday 25th November there will be 5 hours of non-stop music beginning at 11am in the church.

It's just for fun and all for free!

There will be Blues, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Ukelele and Kid's Music, provided by choirs, bands, duos and solo artists too.  Kid's music time will be with Aitken Drum and Susie Sweetpea!

Come along and share in this great variety of music!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal 2017

This is a quick reminder that the DEADLINE for boxes to be handed in is 14th November to Cavers and Co. 40/42 St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright or to the Church Vestibule.

There may still be some empty boxes available at Cavers and Co., so please collect one form there.

Thank you.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Kirkcudbright Churches Together Harvest Lunch

The Kirkcudbright Churches Together Harvest Lunch was enjoyed by about 60 people.

A huge thank you must go to all those who donated at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Lunch;  £400 has been sent to Mary's Meals.

Thank you also to those who helped on the day, and who contributed salads or desserts for the meal.

The Christmas Day Lunch will take place as usual and more details will be shared in due course.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Samara's Aid

Once again a collection of all season, all age clothing and other items in good condition is being organised to be sent to the Samara's Aid appeal.
The items will then be distributed to people in need in Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon.

On the list for donations are:

all season clothes
new underwear
shoes and boots
blankets, sleeping bags, sheets and towels
wheelchairs, zimmer frames and crutches
moses baskets and baby bedding

All items must be as new, in immaculate condition.
Further information on Dignity Bags for women and Children's Smiley Bags can be found at: bags and

Please bring donations to the church hall on 12th November between 10.30am-2pm.  If you feel able to donate a few pounds towards the cost of shipping this would be much appreciated.

For further information please contact the church office.

Thank you.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bereavement Service

A bereavement service will be held at Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Sunday 5th November.

The service is open to anyone, and aims to provide a peaceful and reflective space for anyone who wishes to remember loved ones.

World Church Team Coffee Morning

Please do remember to come along to the World Church Team Coffee Morning this Saturday 10-12.

Money raised by the coffee mornings helps to provides funds, and support for, the amazing work of the World Church Team and its partners.
It's also a great opportunity for fellowship, conversation and refreshment.  A warm welcome awaits!

Saturday 21 October 2017

Autumn Storms

Seeing the trees blown down in the church grounds this week, with the road closed and the work involved in  returning things normal, perhaps serves as a reminder for us to keep those who have also been affected by the recent autumn storms in our prayers.

The very sad loss of life, damage to homes and businesses, and the interruption of essential services put our small amount of damage and inconvenience into perspective.

We pray for all people affected, both overseas and in our own country, and for the emergency services and engineers who continue to work in the stormy conditions to keep us safe and restore power supplies.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Advent Retreat

An Advent Retreat will be held at Abernethy Barcaple on the weekend of 24th-26th November.

The retreat will be largely silent, and offers an art room, labyrinth, morning and afternoon reflections and communal prayer space.

The cost will be £105.00 all inclusive.
For further information see: or email:

Monday 9 October 2017

Refreshing Streams

An invitation to come away awhile, to be still, to notice what gives you life and discover new ways of being.
This time of quiet reflection offers creative ways of praying and a safe space for gentle sharing of  our experiences.

There is no charge, but donations welcomed.  Refreshments provided.
Venue:  St Andrew's and St Cuthbert's church hall, Kirkcudbright.  Saturday 21st October, 2-4.30pm.
For more information and to book:, E:

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal 2017

Make Someone Happy this Christmas!

Last year Blythswood Care delivered 121, 474 shoeboxes to people in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.
This is only possible through the generosity and kindness of people like you, who fill and donate the shoeboxes.

Everyday things that we take for granted can often be luxuries for people in desperate poverty.

Please pick up a leaflet from the Church vestibule or from the Cavers and Co. office.  Boxes can be handed in at the Cavers and Co office, or at any church service before the 14th November.
There is also a supply of empty shoeboxes at the Cavers and Co office, so do pick one up from there if you need one.


Wednesday 27 September 2017

Next Congregational Meeting

The next Congregational Meeting will take place on Wednesday 4th October at 7.30pm in the Parish Church Hall.

Present at the meeting will be the Transition Support Group who form part of the support structure for the Interim Ministry placement.

Discussions at the meeting will inform a set of Aims and Objectives which will help give focus to the Interim Ministry period.
It is hoped that as many people as possible will be able to attend this meeting.

Saturday 23 September 2017

More World Church Team News - Wabia Network

The World Church Team has committed to raising £2,00 for Wabia Network, a small charity that helps prevent and relieve poverty in Mwanza and nearby regions of Tanzania.

The Team hopes that the founders of the Wabia Network charity will visit us to tell us more about their work.  Look out for blog posts relating to their proposed visit.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

80th World Church Team Coffee Morning!

Saturday 1st July was the 80th Coffee Morning of the Kirkcudbright Church World Mission Team!
Since the first coffee morning was held in October 2008 an amazing £20,060.69 has been raised.
The Team send a huge 'thank you' to all who have supported the coffee mornings!

Coffee mornings and other special fundraising events have enabled the Team help to support the following projects since 2008;

Link church in Tseikuru, Kenya:                                                           £5,000

Construction work on the Church in Mwingi in East Africa               £2,000

Mary's Meals which works in 14 countries providing school meals     £4,000
for children

Mission Partner Sister Pat Jamieson, implementing  a Community      £7,500
Health Programme in Jobarpar, Bangladesh

Christian Aid Community Partnership in Karonga, Malawi                 £5,000
enhancing community based maternal, neonatal and child care

Donation to Save the Children Syrian Refugee Crisis Appeal              £1,000

Church of Scotland 'Let us Build a House' project in one of the           £500
earthquake affected areas of Nepal

Medical Aid for Palestinians, working for Palestinians under              £2,000
occupation and those living as refugees

Disasters Emergency Committee for the East Africa                            £600
Food Crisis Appeal 2017


Wednesday 13 September 2017

Harvest Lunch

'Kirkcudbright Churches Together' will be hosting a 'Harvest Lunch' On Sunday 1st October.
The lunch will be held at Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall and all are welcome.

Please come along at 12.15 for 12.30pm.  For further information, please contact the church office at:

Monday 11 September 2017

Home Groups

Now that September is upon us, the regular 'home groups' are restarting for the autumn.
Groups meet weekly at the following times:

Monday morning, at 10am, studying Hebrews
Tuesday Morning, 10am, studying 'Living the Question'
Tuesday evening, at 7pm, studying 'Christian Disciplines

All groups welcome new members at any time during the year and more information is available by contacting the office on 330489 or by emailing:

If you're interested in exploring your own faith, in studying the bible in greater detail and enjoying some fellowship along the way, joining a home group could be for you.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Kirkcudbright Churches Together 'Just a moment' prayer time

The 'Kirkcudbright Churches Together' hold a 'Just a moment' prayer time each week.
'Just a moment' takes place every Thursday morning at Greyfriars Church between 11-11.15am.

If this interests you, please come along, you'll be warmly welcomed.

Coffe Morning

The next World Church Team Coffee Morning will take place at 10am on Saturday 9th September in the Church Hall.

Please come along to support this excellent cause and enjoy some friendly chat, we'd be delighted to see you!

Saturday 2 September 2017

Kirkcudbright Churches Together

The AGM of 'Kirkcudbright Churches Together' takes place on Wednesday 6th September at 2pm in Greyfriars House.

We invite anyone who is interested in the ecumenical work of the churches in town to come along.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Kirkcudbright Parish Players

The new name of the Drama Club is 'The Kirkcudbright Parish Players'.
This year's pantomime will be 'Cinderella'.  The players meet in the Church Hall at 7pm every Tuesday.

If you've always sat in the audience and thought it would be fun to be on stage, why not come along and give it a try?  You'd be very welcome!

Saturday 26 August 2017

Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Fellowship Group

Now the summer holidays are over, the various study groups will be preparing to resume once more.

The Tuesday evening Bible Study & Fellowship Group (based in Kirkcudbright) are hoping to expand their number, and extend a warm invitation to anyone who would like to join.

The evening begins at 7pm with a cuppa and a chat, before study begins 7.30 - 9pm.
Why join? Meet new people, encourage and learn from each other, explore our faith together.

The group begins again on Tuesday 12th September and study will follow the Scripture Union Lifebuilder Series, beginning with Christian Disciplines.
Please consider joining us - you would be most welcome!

For more information, please contact the church office:

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Open Forum meeting

An 'Open Forum' meeting for members of the congregation will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday evening (24th August).
The meeting will take place in the church hall and all are welcome.

The aim of the meeting is not to make decisions, more to discuss ideas and possible 'ways forward' for our church.

If you would like further information regarding this meeting, please contact the church office on:

Thursday 17 August 2017

Summer evening services at Kirkandrews Church, Borgue

Evening services will be held at 7pm at Kirkandrews church, Borgue this evening, Sunday 20th August, conducted by Rev. Val Ott, and on Sunday 27th August, conducted by Rev. Graham Finch.

These services are held in the unique church in the pretty hamlet of Kirkandrews, close to Borgue village. 
All are welcome.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Harbour Blessing Sevice

A huge thank you to everyone who braved the wind and rain (!) to take part in the Harbour Blessing Service on Sunday 6th August.
As the photographs below illustrate, a great time was had by all!

If you've never had the opportunity to be at the annual Kirkcudbright Harbour Blessing service, please do come along next year.  It's always such a special and enjoyable event, and a regular fixture of the 'Art and Crafts Trail' weekend.

See you next year!


Tuesday 15 August 2017

Open Air Sunday Service at Dundrennan Abbey

The annual open air service at Dundrennan Abbey will be held this Sunday, the 20th of August, at 3pm.
There will be some seats provided.
Afterwards refreshments will be served in the village hall.

This is a lovely service in a beautiful setting and all are welcome.

Monday 14 August 2017

The Big Top Holiday Club!

The Big Top Holiday Club begins today, and runs each day this week in the Church Hall.
The Holiday Club is especially for children aged 5-11, and there are also family events too.

If you haven't yet registered and would like to do so, or would like further information, contact the church youth worker on:

Good luck everyone, have a great week!

Thursday 3 August 2017

'Songs of Praise and Harbour Blessing'

The annual Kirkcudbright Churches Together 'Songs of Praise and Harbour Blessing' service will take place in the Harbour Square at 5pm on Sunday 6th August.

Everyone is welcome at this special service, which gives us the opportunity to bless, and give thanks for, the work of the harbour, and all those who live and work at sea. 

Hearty singing is always guaranteed!

Friday 28 July 2017

Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail 2017

The fantastic Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail will take place from next week, Friday the 4th of August to Monday the 7th of August inclusive. 

Venues will be open and events running from 11am-5pm daily, and don't forget the free 'Trail Bus' which will leave the Harbour Square every hour and half hour.

There will be artwork exhibited in Kirkcudbright Parish Church as well as the Parish Hall, and don't forget to look out for the amazing work of the 'Heart for Art' artists.

Art, crafts, open gardens, food, music and performance, there really is a treat for everyone.....enjoy!

Friday 21 July 2017

Christian Aid Week thanks

The Kirkcudbright Churches Together Christian Aid Week collection and fundraising, achieved a grand total of £5,204.09 this year.
Huge thanks must go to everyone who participated in house to house collection, to those who raised money in various other ways, and to the kind people who made donations. 
A fantastic achievement for our town!  Thank you.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Church 'Opening'

During July, August and September the Church will be open to 'show off'' to visitors for two days a week.
Opening hours are:  Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am-4pm.  Volunteers will be present to welcome visitors, to chat, and to provide them with an information leaflet about the history of the Church.

If you're hosting guests, or chatting to visitors in town, do let them know that the Church is open and that they will be warmly welcomed.

Sunday 16 July 2017

'Heart for Art' Fame!

Our very own Pat McTaggart, who is one of the 'Heart for Art' group, has recently been up to Edinburgh to see one of her own pictures being exhibited.  Congratulations Pat!

Do look out for all the work exhibited by the 'Heart for Art' group during the 'Arts and Crafts Trail' early next month.
It's truly inspirational to know that there are so many very talented folk in our midst.

If you're interested in going along to a 'Heart for Art' session, they currently take place fortnightly, in Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall, on a Tuesday between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
Anyone is welcome, no artistic skills are necessary, and all equipment, tea and cake will be provided!
The next sessions during the summer will take place on 25th July, and the 8th & 22nd of August.

Once again, well done Pat!  Here she is with a copy of her work currently being exhibited in Edinburgh.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Strathdee Strawberry Tea

The 'Friends of Strathdee' warmly invite you to a Strawberry tea, at Strathdee, (94 St Mary Street) on Friday 14th July between 2pm and 4pm.

There will be a raffle and a 'Strawberry Board'.

The 'Friends' accompany residents on outings and take them out for coffee, as sometimes it's not as easy for them to get out and about as it used to be.

They would be delighted to welcome you on Friday afternoon, do come along and say 'hello'!

Monday 10 July 2017

Kirkcudbright Country Fair - Thank you

The Kirkcudbright Parish Church 'Teas R Us' tent (at the Kirkcudbright Country Fair at the weekend) would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to making the event so successful.

Thank you to everyone who baked, made soup, prepared 'mountains' of filled rolls and to those who helped to serve visitors over the weekend, and do the washing up afterwards too.

A big thank you also to all the lovely cheery folk who came along to have coffee, lunch, tea (or all three!), and made it all so enjoyable.

Over £1,300  was raised and will be put to very good use in a variety of ways.  THANK YOU!

Tuesday 4 July 2017


This summer KPC Youth will be running 'The Big Top', a series of events for young people, taking place throughout the week beginning the 14th of August.

The Big Top will be running every morning for children aged 5-11 with games, craft, Bible stories and much more. Registration is now open for the club. 

In the afternoons there will be a drop in for the young people from S1 to S7.
All free with a few special events throughout the week.

There will be evening events too:  on Wednesday night all parents and family members are invited to come and see what a normal day at the Big Top is like and all the fun their kids have been having. 

On Friday night there will be a community quiz when all members of the community are invited to take part and find out who really does know it all!!!

For further information and a registration form, please email:

Please come and enjoy the fun!

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Country Fair Weekend

The Country Fair will take place in Kirkcudbright on the weekend of 8th and 9th of July.
Once again the Summer Festivities committee have been working away to organise a great event; stalls, displays and attractions ....something interesting for everyone!

As in previous years the refreshment café tent will be run by a team of volunteers from Kirkcudbright Parish Church.  
It's a great advantage to have a good number of people helping in this endeavour, and is great fun, so if you'd like to volunteer to spend a couple of hours 'serving' or if you feel able to contribute some baking or a pot of soup this would be a huge help to the team.

Refreshments will be available 10am-4pm each day and most people who volunteer aim to help out for a two hour stint, and of course any help offered will be much appreciated.

The atmosphere is always one of conversation, hospitality and fun so if you'd like to volunteer or wish to find out more, please email the church office at:

Please join us!  You'll be made most welcome.


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Jazz Festival Events

Please join us at the Jazz Festival events being hosted in the Church and Church Hall over the weekend (9th - 11th June).

Church Hall events:

Friday 9th June

7.30pm-9.15pm          Big Easy
9.45pm-11.45pm        Dave Donohoe Band

Saturday 10th June

2.30pm-4.30pm          Big Easy
7.30pm-9.15pm          Emily Bacon's Good Time Gang
9.30pm-11.15pm        Jake Leg Jug Band

Sunday 11th June

12.30-1pm                   Jim McPhee Tribute to Scott Joplin
1.45pm-3.30pm           Jake Leg Jug Band
3.45pm-5.30pm           Emily Bacon's Good Time Gang

On Saturday and Sunday at 12.45pm there will be a 'Jazz Lunch' in the hall.
Lunch will comprise; soup and a filled roll, followed by tea or coffee and 'something sweet'!
The cost of lunch is £5 per person.

Sunday 11th at June 11am

Please come along to the ever popular 'Jazz Service' at Kirkcudbright Parish Church at 11am, we'd be delighted to see you!

For further information about the Jazz program for the whole weekend, ticket prices and purchasing and details of the bands, please visit the Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival 2017 website...

Saturday 3 June 2017

New Interim Minister

A special service to introduce our new Interim Minister, the Rev. John Collard, to the congregation, will be held at Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Monday 5th June.

The service will begin at 7pm and we hope you will join us in welcoming Rev. Collard to his new Interim Ministry.

We look forward to seeing you.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Summer 'Open Church'

During June, July and August, Kirkcudbright Parish Church will be holding 'Open Days' on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 4pm.

Visitors will be welcomed by volunteers to provide a friendly face, and who will have information leaflets to hand out, which will help people get the most from their visit.

If you would like to join the team of volunteers providing this 'welcome' at the church, we would be delighted to hear from you!
Shifts will be organised in 2 hour slots on each of the days; 10am-12pm, 12-2pm and 2-4pm, and there will be 2 people on duty during each shift.

Kirkcudbright is well know for its friendliness and fascinating history, so the more volunteers we have to provide a warm welcome, and help show off our lovely church, the better!  Perhaps you have a friend or relation who might be interested too? 

If you would like to help, please contact the church office, who will put you in touch with the person organising the Open Days:

Thank you!

Monday 15 May 2017

Barcaple Open Day

An Open Day is being held at Barcaple on Sunday 28th May from 12.30pm.
Bring a picnic and hang out with the staff.  Hot drinks and some activities will be available, and all are welcome.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Don't forget this Saturday's Coffee Morning!

Please come along to the Parish Church Hall on Saturday 6th May to support the World Church Team Coffee Morning.
Doors open at 10am and refreshments and the usual stalls will be available right through until midday.   

The money raised by the World Church Team is used to support projects which make an amazing difference in countries right across the world.

We look forward to seeing you there!  Thank you!

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Sunday Service 7th May 2017

 On Sunday the 7th of May, there will be a joint Communion Service at 10am.

The service will be led by Rev. Marian Dixon, with music being led by the organist and the praise band.

All are welcome. 

Saturday 25 March 2017

Mothering sunday Retiring collection

Following the services on Mothering Sunday, 26th March, there will be a retiring collection, which will be sent to support the work of the Disasters Emergency Committee.
This is in response to their very recent requests for help, to assist their efforts in the famine stricken region of East Africa.

Anything you are able to give will help, and on Mother's Day, it is especially poignant to know that we might be able to make a difference to Mothers and Children who are desperately in need of our support.

Thank you in anticipation.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Fair Trade Coffee Morning

Please remember the Fair Trade Coffee Morning to be held on Saturday 11th March between 10am and 12 noon in the Parish Church Hall.

This is always a popular event and we'd love to see you!

Lent Soup Lunches

Each Friday during Lent a Soup Lunch held in Kirkcudbright Bowling Club at 12.30.

It will be very informal; a bowl of tasty soup and a friendly chat. 
After expenses, all donations will be used to support the South Sudan Famine Appeal.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this, perhaps by making a pot of soup, or helping to serve, please contact the church office.

Please come and join us!

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Proposal for an Interim Minister

The presentation on the proposal for an Interim Minister will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th March in the church.
All members of the congregation are welcome to come along.

Monday 27 February 2017

Lent - Party, Pray, Worship Together

The Pancake Party will be on Tuesday 28th February, (Shrove Tuesday), 5.30pm-7pm in the Bowling Club.
Please bring your favourite topping and enjoy the informal get together!

Pray Together.  Prayer leaflets are available in the church vestibule.
Please come along as often as you can to the planned Lent Prayer Times:
Every Wednesday 6pm-6.30pm and Saturday 10am-10.30am

Worship Together.  On Sunday 5th March worship will be at 10.15am and will be led by            Rev. Marian Dixon.
A celebration of Holy Communion will take place in the 'Trades End' of the church after the service.

Monday 20 February 2017

Fair Trade Fortnight

Fair Trade Fortnight takes place this year from Monday 27th February to Sunday 12th March

Please come along to support the Fair Trade Coffee Morning in Kirkcudbright Parish Church on Saturday 11th March 10am until 12 noon.

Thanks to the generosity of the people of Kirkcudbright, the Kirkcudbright Fair Trade Group has been able to donate sufficient money to buy 6 ploughs for women rice farmers in Karonga Malawi.
Many of the women produce Kilombero fairly traded rice which is one of the products distributed  by Just Trading Scotland based in Paisley.

Just Trading Scotland said; ''Your incredible donation of 6 ploughs, will not only help to reduce the toil of manual labour, but will also help to increase food productivity and will enable mothers and fathers to spend more time being parents to their children.  On behalf of the farmers of Malawi, thank you!''

Friday 17 February 2017

Lent 2017

Lent Study Groups 2017
Monday Lent Group: Meeting for 5 Mondays, beginning Monday 6th March.
Meet 10am at 12 Castle Street, led by the Reverend Marian Dixon.

Wednesday Lent Group: Meeting for 5 Wednesdays, beginning Wednesday 8th March.
Meet at 7pm in St Andrew and St Cuthbert's Hall, led by the Reverend David Preston.  

It would be helpful if you could confirm your attendance at either group by leaving a message for Marian Dixon at the church office. 01557 330489

Wednesday 15 February 2017

World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer service this year has been prepared by the women of the Philippines.
It will be held in St Andrew and St Cuthbert's Hall on Friday 3rd March at 3pm.

There will be tea and coffee provided afterwards.

Please come along....all are welcome.

Monday 6 February 2017

11 - 18s Coffee Bar

Our Youth worker Rhys is seeking to start up a Coffee Bar for 11 to 18s.  It will take place in the church hall on a Friday afternoon, 3.30pm to 5pm.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this great project, or if you wish further information, please contact the church office, either by phone or email. / 01557 330489

Good luck Rhys!

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Sunday Service 5th February

A joint service celebrating Holy Communion, conducted by Reverend Marian Dixon will be held on Sunday 5th February at 10am.

All are welcome.